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6 Alderman Street, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868, Australia
4 2 2

Buyer's in the $700,000's

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80 Bathurst Drive, BENTLEY PARK QLD 4869, Australia
4 2 2

$650 per week

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52 Cascade Boulevard, PALM COVE QLD 4879, Australia

Buyers in the $900,000's

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12 Cavendish Street, EARLVILLE QLD 4870, Australia
3 3 4

Buyers in the $700,000's

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5 David Street, MANUNDA QLD 4870, Australia
4 2 3

Buyers in the $700,000's

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11 / 21 Digger Street, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870, Australia
3 2 1

Offers Over $599,000

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3-7 Eslick Street, MIGHELL QLD 4860, Australia
10 4 0

MAKE AN OFFER | Offers Over $1.1M

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3-7 Eslick Street, MIGHELL QLD 4860, Australia

MAKE AN OFFER | Offers Over $1.1M

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53 / 107 Esplanade, CAIRNS CITY QLD 4870, Australia
2 2 1

Expressions of Interest

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10 Genesta Circuit , REDLYNCH QLD 4870, Australia
4 2 2

High $700,000's

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8 / 20-22 Girralong Street, WOREE QLD 4868, Australia
2 1 1

Offers over $279,000

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112 Harvey Road, REDLYNCH QLD 4870, Australia

Acreage Blocks Available Now!

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173 Hillview Crescent, WHITFIELD QLD 4870, Australia
5 4 3

Offers Over $1,625,000

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12 / Jubilee Road, JUBILEE HEIGHTS QLD 4860, Australia

Buyers in the High $500,000's

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23 Knott Court, WHITFIELD QLD 4870, Australia
4 3 4

Contact for price

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1-4 Koppen Terrace, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870, Australia
5 5 4

Present all Offers

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8 / 186 Lake Street, CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870, Australia
2 1 1

$470 per week

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24 Lois Street, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870, Australia
4 1 2

Buyer's in the Mid $600,000's

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34 Lyndel Drive, WOREE QLD 4868, Australia
3 1 1

$565 per week

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19C Master Circuit, TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879, Australia
4 2 2

Buyers in the High $900,000's

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7 Michael Dwyer Close, STRATFORD QLD 4870, Australia
3 3 2

$980 per week

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42 Monaro Close, KURANDA QLD 4881, Australia
4 2 4

Offers Over $1,000,000

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13 Nell Close, KANIMBLA QLD 4870, Australia
4 2 2

Mid $700,000's

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53 Park Street, BAYVIEW HEIGHTS QLD 4868, Australia
5 2 2

Contact for price

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5 Pearl Close, BAYVIEW HEIGHTS QLD 4868, Australia
3 1 3

Offers Over $699,000

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2401 Pine Creek - Yarrabah Road, EAST TRINITY QLD 4871, Australia
5 3 2

Offers Over $1,200,000

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32 Riverside Crescent, INNISFAIL QLD 4860, Australia

NEW PRICE | Offers Over $240,000

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2 Rockton Place, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870, Australia
4 3 2

Buyers in the Mid $800,000's

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28 Rowe Street, EARLVILLE QLD 4870, Australia
3 1 2

Buyers in the $600,000's

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6 Strutton Place, MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870, Australia
4 3 4

Formal Offers - Expression Of Interest

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12 Tracey Close, WOREE QLD 4868, Australia
3 1 2

Buyer's in the $500,000's

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56 Treetop Drive, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868, Australia
4 2 2

$715 per week

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3 Trundle Terrace, WHITFIELD QLD 4870, Australia

Offers Over $499,000

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16 Windarra Street, WOREE QLD 4868, Australia
3 1 2

Buyer's in the $500,000's

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24 Woodrose Drive, MOUNT SHERIDAN QLD 4868, Australia
4 2 2

Mid to High $600,000's

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390 Woopen Creek Road, WOOPEN CREEK QLD 4871, Australia
3 1 2

Expressions Of Interest